De-escalation, Self Regulation & Co-Regulation

The Mandt System focuses on using prevention and de-escalation to minimize workplace violence. Prevention is best achieved

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Flexible & Adaptable

Continuing with the theme of last month’s blog about change, as we have been developing the new 3.0 curriculum, I have been

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Leading Change…

“Change before you have to.”  Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric “Change is the law of life.  And

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The foundation of the Mandt System is built on the principle that all human beings should be treated with dignity and respect,

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Listening to our Partners

One of the cornerstones of The Mandt System philosophy is the idea that behavior does not happen in isolation.  We build

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Increasing Our Empathy…

Have you ever wondered why empathy is so important? Empathy is one of the best ways we can understand and relate to other

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Humanity in Face of Cruelty

In 1974, Marina Abromovic displayed a powerful piece of performance art entitled “Rhythm 0” (Abramović, 2006). She placed

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Now You See It…

The Mandt System is pleased to be introducing an exciting new tool to bring technical curriculum review and reinforcement out of

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Good Rules for Holidays & Everyday…

Always treat people with dignity and respect.  Build people up.  These are not just interesting ideas we talk about in

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Restraint Reduction – What’s in a Name?

The use of ‘Restraint Reduction’ and ‘Reducing Restrictive Practices’ language and terminology has become common in our

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