De-escalation, Self Regulation & Co-Regulation

The Mandt System focuses on using prevention and de-escalation to minimize workplace violence. Prevention is best achieved

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Flexible & Adaptable

Continuing with the theme of last month’s blog about change, as we have been developing the new 3.0 curriculum, I have been

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Leading Change…

“Change before you have to.”  Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric “Change is the law of life.  And

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The foundation of the Mandt System is built on the principle that all human beings should be treated with dignity and respect,

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Listening to our Partners

One of the cornerstones of The Mandt System philosophy is the idea that behavior does not happen in isolation.  We build

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Increasing Our Empathy…

Have you ever wondered why empathy is so important? Empathy is one of the best ways we can understand and relate to other

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Humanity in Face of Cruelty

In 1974, Marina Abromovic displayed a powerful piece of performance art entitled “Rhythm 0” (Abramović, 2006). She placed

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Now You See It…

The Mandt System is pleased to be introducing an exciting new tool to bring technical curriculum review and reinforcement out of

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Good Rules for Holidays & Everyday…

Always treat people with dignity and respect.  Build people up.  These are not just interesting ideas we talk about in

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Restraint Reduction – What’s in a Name?

The use of ‘Restraint Reduction’ and ‘Reducing Restrictive Practices’ language and terminology has become common in our

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What’s in your cup?

Imagine you are standing somewhere with a cup of good, hot coffee (or your favorite beverage).  You are about to begin to

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Tips To Improve Relationships

At The Mandt System we divide our training into different sections. Regardless of the level of training you receive, our most

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Understanding Cognitive Diversity in Conflict Resolution

Cognitive diversity has a positive impact on performance of an organization (Tegarden, et al., 2007).  However, cognitive

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Backing Up The Trailer

I don’t often pull a trailer with my vehicle and until this past week it had been more than 10 years since I had done so.

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Can Artificial Intelligence Make You Feel Safe?

We have been listening to the commotion and breathless hyperbole around Artificial Intelligence (AI), finding ourselves asking

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Know What You Don’t Know…

A question we often hear at The Mandt System: Will your program be effective with the people we serve in our school,

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Time is of the Essence

Last October, members of the Mandt Leadership traveled to Manchester, United Kingdom, to spend some time with members of our UK

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Promoting a Safe & Inclusive Learning Environment

We talk a lot about how to create safe places for the people we serve, but I also want us to consider how to create those safe

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Bridging Strategies & Tactics…

In order to create cultures of respectful conflict resolution, organizations and individuals will need to consider both

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Time & Distance

I was recently reading an interview with a police chief about training his department had been providing to officers to help

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Best Gift?

We are in the midst of the holiday season for 2022, nearing the end of the year, and people are beginning to look ahead to

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Commitment to Efficiency and Flexibility

This week many of the Mandt System Faculty team will be meeting in Chicago to catch up, refresh Instructional skills and plan

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Kids These Days…

Kids these days!  How often have you ever heard or said that comment?  Every generation I believe looks at

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Trauma Informed Training for Schools

The Mandt System’s RCT (Relational/Conceptual/Technical) level training includes eLearning that focuses on trauma (Chapter 4)

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Understanding Human Needs

In order to understand the management and resolution of human conflict, one must first understand human needs. Any de-escalation

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Being ‘Right’ or Being Effective?

In almost every instructor level workshop I teach, I am asked the question about how to respond to staff who are resistant to

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The Greatest Conflict Management Tool

Wouldn’t it be great if there were an ad that could promise to sell you the greatest conflict management tool?  How much

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Understanding the ‘Why’ of the Mandt System

Over the past few years many of you will have become aware of Simon Sinek and his book or the TED Talk “Start with Why”

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Best Offense is a Good Defense

Any sports fan has heard that the best offense is a good defense.  In fact, most professional sports analyst will tell

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Conflict Resolution in the Digital Age

I love to debate.  It’s a bit of a sport to me. I’m always respectful, whether online, or in face to face interactions.

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Team Centered Approach

The Mandt System is a team centered approach to de-escalation training with the ultimate goal being to reduce the potential of

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Coping Skills

Making changes is hard, especially when those changes involve behaviors that have been used over a long period of time to cope

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Conflict Resolution Activity

People are always looking for games or activities to help them with their conflict resolution skills.  This one is simple,

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Why Does Approach Matter?

When we talk about The Mandt System de-escalation training program we will often describe it as a ‘person centered, trauma

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Location, Location, Location….

There is a saying in real estate that it is all about location, location, location.  Though this is very true, it does

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Trauma Informed Training

Building out from my blog of August this year, I wanted to share that The Mandt System in Chapter 4 focuses on trauma informed

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Restorative Regeneration

In order to move forward, we must first often look back. Understanding where we’re coming from is a crucial part of developing

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Time & Culture

Adjusting to a different culture can be hard. When I was in college, I spent a semester in Central America doing language and

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Increase (+), Reduce (-)

I recently was wrapping up a vacation after a work trip to Australia.  I was driving from Sydney up to Brisbane to catch a

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The Primary Color Approach to Creating Safer Workplaces

We here at The Mandt System are often asked to describe our program approach and how it can or should be used by practitioners

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Trauma Informed Schools

In a 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), data showed that one in five children in the United States have had two

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Trauma Informed Support & PBS

I’m writing this blog to really encourage all of our Instructors to consider completing the eLearning centered around The

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Conflict Resolution, Healthy Relationships, and Independence

Helping people to be as independent as possible is often one of the primary missions of various human service organizations.

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Independence of Isolation

I was watching a video recently where the speaker was sharing about an individual who had grown up in an institution and because

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Creating Positive, Healthy Workplace Culture

I have found myself talking more about what I do for work lately.  Between getting everything ready for my trip to

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What will you celebrate on 4th July?

So as a Brit, my colleagues often ask if my family and I celebrate the 4th of July.  I usually make some joke

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Crisis Prevention – Do’s & Don’ts

Recently I had the privilege of hanging out with some veterans at a cigar lounge while I was traveling.  Men and women who

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Dignity & Respect

Many of us that work for The Mandt System travel a great deal for our job. For the most part, this is an aspect of the job that

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De-escalation Training and Strategic/Tactical Safety Planning

Creating the safest possible work environment requires a good deal of planning.  This planning process requires strategic

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Pain & 4 Walls of the House

Over the past few months, I have been experiencing what for me is the most intense physical pain I can remember. Reflecting on

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PBIS & Violence in the Workplace

In The Mandt System we use Positive Behavior Supports and Interventions (PBIS) as a means to decrease violence in the

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Kleenex, Hoover & Xerox!

What do Kleenex, Hoover & Xerox all share? There are times when a particular brand become so synonymous with the product

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Positive Behavior Support – More Than Reinforcement

Recently in a talk I was having with some colleagues we were discussing the topic of social skills training and some of the

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De-Escalation Training – It’s A Game Changer!

It’s always interesting to meet new Instructors that believe the training they are about to receive is very specific to

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Creating A Safer Workplace

Australian criminologist John Braithwaite once wrote, “crime hurts, so justice should heal” (2004).  This is a great

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Using Humor

I have recently found myself observing a situation between two friends where one of them uses a lot of humor in his

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Positive Behavior Supports

I had one of those nightmare events for a trainer this past week, I lost my voice.  Thanks to the Massachusetts pollen, my

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What About After Class?

Even after 47 years in the Learning & Development industry it is unusual for an organization using the Mandt System

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Creating Engagement Through Positive Behavior Support

A while back I was talking to a friend who I have great respect for, and he mentioned a book that he felt I would

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De-escalation Training Through Positive Relationships

There are so, so many people who believe that training they receive from The Mandt System will be some sort of magical answer to

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Conflict Resolution and the Four Virtues of Stoicism

At the Mandt System, we believe that healthy conflict resolution grows from healthy relationships, values, and attitudes.  Our

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Positive Behavior Support for Ourselves

Since our workshop locations repeat every two years, I recently taught the last instructor workshop that I taught before COVID

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Violence in the Workplace

People are always looking for ways to decrease violence in the workplace.  Another way to think about that is how can we

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Dignity & Respect

This past week I had a mechanic friend show me the correct way to use a 'Torque Wrench'. For those that don't know, a torque

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Positive Behavior Support – Forgiveness Matters

On Thursday February the 10th 500,000 people convicted of low-level, not violent crimes in Utah had their records expunged

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Conflict Resolution Techniques

One of the most significant challenges that people face in their work is managing conflict, which is not surprising considering

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Healthy Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Begins with Ethical Leadership

One of the central tasks of leadership in an organization is to set the tone for how conflict will be managed.  A culture of

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Every Interaction Matters…

I was reading an article entitled, 'Positive Childhood Experiences May Buffer Against Health Effects Of Adverse Ones',

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Creating A Safer Workplace

Who wouldn’t like to work in a safer workplace?  No matter what your current position or employer, imagine feeling safer

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Relational Limp Mode…

The holiday season can put significant stress on our relationships with the throwing together of people, emotions, food and

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Positive Behavior Support Takes a Village

Over the years I have written about my son Tyler and being a parent of a child with unique needs.  Many of the things

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Difficult Questions…

I am often confronted by participants in Mandt System workshops with difficult questions and situations regarding a person

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Using 2 Languages…

De-escalation training and Positive Behavior Support in everyday life The philosophy of The Mandt System since 1975 has been

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Relational Rebar

Over the summer and Autumn this past year, my colleague Tim and I have both had new driveways poured and have shared and

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Four Cigars…

Much of my adult life I had smoked cigarettes.  I truly enjoyed smoking but knew I needed to stop due to the health

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What we do…

Occasionally It’s useful to revisit the core purpose of our program. First and foremost, the Mandt System is a course in

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9 Chapters… 1 Mission

For those of you who have been long-time Instructors of The Mandt System program, you are well aware of all the topics that are

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On Being Thankful…

My wife recently taught her first Mandt System De-escalation Training workshop at the school where she works and asked me to

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Mandt is Universal

We just got a new puppy in our house, an eight week old cocker spaniel we have named Hattie.  Since it has been 15 years

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Relationally Craving…

I was recently talking to a friend of mine in education and in the conversation, she made the following comment: “It’s like

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Scenario Based Training

At the Mandt System, we believe that staff members have the right to a safe workplace.  We also believe that all

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Conflict Happens…

Has anyone seen those super cute onesies that have “Spit Happens” across the front? So cute! Well, maybe another slogan

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Relationship In-Action

I have a neighbor who recently experienced the unexpected loss of a friend.  Her reaction to this loss struck me as

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Family Reunion

This past week The Mandt System faculty and leadership met together in Chicago to review the updates to the curriculum that we

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Setting People Up For Success

Think about the best or most favorite job you have ever had.  Now, also think about the worst or least favorite job you

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Travel Pro’s Getting it Right

Have any of you been hearing about the significant upswing in “unruly” passengers aboard airplanes? I’ve read varying

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Much has been written over the centuries about time.  Time impacts all things alive or dead.  Song writers

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Starting The New Season

So for many of us this this past week and the coming week see our Kids returning to school and college, and marks the transition

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Telling The Story of Conflict

Throughout much of human history, storytelling has been one of the primary methods for passing information from generation to

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When Everyone Accommodates

I am spending this week on vacation with my wife’s family. While I do enjoy interacting with them, the one thing I find the

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Bullies in The Workplace

If you do much research at all you will find that one of the main causes of conflict in the workplace is bullying.  We have

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When You Are Not The GOAT

This week, if you follow the Olympics or not, you have seen numerous articles discussing Simone Biles decision to drop out of

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3 Tips to Counterbalance ‘Sunken Cost Fallacy’

The Oxford Dictionary defines sunken-cost fallacy as ‘the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or

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Elements of Positive Behavior Support

At The Mandt System, we strive to offer a holistic approach to supporting people, whether they be adults or children. Our

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The Third Side

The Mandt System teaches strategies for resolving conflict utilizing positive behavior interventions and supports within the

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The Perfect Student

What does the perfect elementary school student look like? This was a question posed by a new instructor during the teach back

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Choosing Your Weather Pattern

In Chapter 1 of the Mandt System we discuss information from Hiam Ginott and how it is our personal approach that creates the

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Effective Parenting Requires Healthy Communication

As parents of three teenage and young adult children my partner and I have naively believed we have got the parental consistency

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Begin With The End in Mind

I recently was talking with a co-worker of mine about a meeting we had recently attended.  He referred to my ability

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Teaching While at Baseline…

My Godson, Elijah, is totally adorable.  I mean, TOTALLY ADORABLE. This past weekend I was visiting Elijah’s family in

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Remembering Those Who Served…

My grandfather served his country in the United States Navy on a Destroyer in the Pacific ocean during WW2.  He survived a

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Mandt System Certification Anniversary

One comment I hear frequently as I teach instructor level workshops is, “I wish I would have had this de-escalation training

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Competition for the Greater Good…

How much workplace conflict arises from issues at the team level?  When people talk about how to handle conflict in the

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Why Language Matters

About 25 years ago the National Charity I worked with was approached to take over a smaller non profit that had run into

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Positive Behavior Support & Workplace Conflict

Often when we are dealing with difficult behavior it has nothing to do with the people who are in care but rather with each

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When Things Derail, Tips for Staying on Track

Have you ever had one of those really challenging workshops? You know the ones...the ones where everything that could go wrong,

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Salamanders & Lizards

When I was about ten years old I spent a lot of time in the woods.  I was fascinated by the wonders of nature and had a

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Keeping A Positive Attitude

Have you ever seen a particular meeting, event, or assignment on your schedule and started thinking of ways that you can get out

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Refining Our RADAR

In Mandt we talk about using our RADAR to be aware of what is going on around us.  The first R in our RADAR stands for

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Reinventing for New Times

This past week was the one year anniversary of the Covid19 pandemic initial impacting on the Mandt System programme of classes

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Give a Smile

This week marks the one-year anniversary of the start to locking things down to stop the spread of COVID-19.  As I sat

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Optimism for Summer…

I just read that people who have received their full Covid-19 vaccinations may possibly plan small gatherings for the

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Hierarchy, Status, & Aggression…

Human beings rely on group cooperation extensively as a means for survival.  Whenever groups form, whether formal or

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On The Road Again…

I never imagined when I started my first part time position as a direct support professional in 1993 that I would still be

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Seek Out the Positives…

The pandemic seems to be affecting many people negatively.  Many of us are expecting the worst, whether we expect the worst

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Life’s Rituals, Taken Online

This past week, my family and I experienced our first virtual cremation service following the death of my mother-in-law a few

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Approaching Valentines…

According to, Valentine’s Day is a holiday celebrated each year on February 14 by the exchange of cards, flowers,

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Tough Times, Good People…

Several years ago, when we received my son Tyler’s diagnosis for fragile x syndrome, we reached out to the National Fragile X

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Intrinsic Motivation

In the Mandt System we begin our discussion of human motivation through the lens of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

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Failure to Communicate

Martin Luther King Jr. is quoted as saying, “People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other

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Healthy Values

On a recent airplane ride I resumed listening to an audiobook I had started a while back. While some may find the title of the

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New Year, New Thinking?

At the Mandt System we had our last ‘All Company’ meeting the week of Thanksgiving and our theme for that meeting was

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Healthy Aging

In 1938, George Vaillant began the Grant Study, a longitudinal study of adult development that would last more than 75

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Frustration in Communication

We all at one point or another have become frustrated while communicating.  It’s one of the most common human

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Filling the Gap

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our

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Aligning Passion and Purpose

On October 1, 2020 I celebrated the completion of my 19th year and the beginning of my 20th year with The Mandt System. What a

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Maslow & Bloom

A phrase that seems to be making its way around education circles is “Maslow before Bloom”.  Maslow’s Hierarchy is a

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Positive Acts of Trolling…

Is it still ‘Trolling’ if the anonymously posted comments are positive?  In the current climate of turmoil,

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Close Enough to Count

There is a statement I have heard all of my life that goes “close only counts in horseshoes and hand

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Investigating Behavior…

Reductionist explanations are often used to rationalize why a person behaves the way that they do.  “They’re just doing

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A Behavior Plan for Your Staff

I recently saw a meme of an individual with a disability carrying a huge stack of papers that read, “If my staff had behavior

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Difficult Conversations

2020 has been a strange year so far.  The Covid 19 pandemic and high profile events of excessive force and systemic racism

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ALL People

If you follow The Mandt System at all, you know the underlying philosophy of the program is “All people have the right to be

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There’s No Such Thing as “Sheeple”

Human beings are a social species.  We are not the strongest or fastest creatures in the animal kingdom.  What puts us

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Unfollow, Don’t Unfriend (reprise)

I have seen several friends on Facebook expressing feelings of guilt for unfriending or unfollowing family members this

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Had an off day?

Sooner or later, if you work in the training profession ,or any profession, really; you will inevitably experience an off

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Take a Second to Breathe…

Take a second to breathe…. Seriously. Just relax your jaw and your shoulders and take a deep, slow breath. Intentional

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Feedback Surveys

Students of Mandt System, Train the Trainer events have always filled out paper evaluations at the end of the course.

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Role Modelling Mandt Principles

Some people think they only teach Mandt when they are in front of a group of students or employees. For some people, this means

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Don’t Turn Your Back

I have been reflecting on the idea of turning your back to someone. As body language goes, I have never appreciated someone who

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Four Walls

Many of our instructors travel far from home to attend Mandt System instructor training. Health and travel can be tricky. As a

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Errors in Thinking & Conflict Management

In Chapter Three of the Mandt System, conflict management is discussed. To manage a conflict, one must first have an accurate

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I’ve slowly (okay, maybe not so slowly since it’s been happening over the last fifteen years or so) been coming to grips with

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Hero’s Journey

In his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), Joseph Campbell outlined the basic structure of hero myths. He called this

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Reflective Listening

Reflective listening is often a difficult skill to master. As with everything - practice makes perfect! The key points to

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Companion Calls & Bids for Connection

The Northern Cardinal is a fascinating bird. If you live in the eastern half of the United States, and are lucky enough to have

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That is Not Appropriate!

I recently saw a short video online that asks the question, “What if people with intellectual disabilities got to decide what

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Mandt For Families

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Strategies for Conflict Resolution

This information is from Harvard Law School’s program on negotiation. It was included in a blog written by Katie Shonk, but

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The Importance of Good Neighbours

It’s important to develop relationships with the people who live and work near you. It’s also important to take this

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Mandt’s General Concepts

A concept, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances. In

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Change Starts With Us

On January 17th the Department of Education released a press release announcing an initiative to address the inappropriate use of

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Four Horseman of Conflict Resolution

Dr. John Gottman is a psychologist and researcher that is recognized primarily for his work with marital relationships. In his

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Communicate – every day, every way!

First off, I want to give credit for the title to Hannah Price (in her blog

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Longer Days & Shorter Nights

We have just passed December 21st, the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. From now the days will slowly begin to get

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The Four Stages of Competence

The four stages of competence theory was developed by Noel Burch of Gordon Training International. It’s a useful way to

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Journey Before Destination

I am a big fan of fantasy. I grew up reading Tolkien and C.S. Lewis and later read series by Robert Jordan, J. K. Rowling, R.R.

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It All Starts With Attitude

Last year was a challenging year for my wife as it was her first year teaching in a new school system and at a different grade

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Mastering the Basics

No matter how skilled a person becomes, it all starts with the “basics”. To develop advanced skills in any subject, a

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Perception Checking

I can usually find a way to connect with people, but occasionally it is extremely difficult. Of course, the toughest people to

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Two Speed Thinking

In Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011), he presents a model that simplifies the cognitive processes of the

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Teens & Relationships

I’ve just recently finished watching the Netflix original series “Thirteen Reasons Why.” I’m not here to promote the

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The Mandt System and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in Schools

According to CASEL,, the first two core competencies of SEL are self awareness and self management. Self

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Where has the day gone?

When my mom was still alive, she would sometimes call me in the mornings around 8:00 or 8:30 a.m. When she would realize that

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Defining Dignity & Respect

We use the terms dignity and respect as foundational principles in the Mandt System. But what does it mean to treat someone with

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We Did It!

I was asked to complete a blog for an issue of the monthly Stance and Balance. In the past I’ve shared things that related to

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When Do We Abandon Training for Personal Safety?

I was asked “When do we abandon what we are taught in training to makes sure someone is kept safe?” This instructor had a

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Trauma Informed Teamwork

You've just been called to assist with a crisis situation. Once you get to the location of the incident, things have settled

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Who Do We Train?

I was recently listening to a podcast titled, “A Whole School Approach to Behavior Issues,” where a school principal was

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Here’s To The Teachers

I recently saw a Peanuts comic strip where Peppermint Patty says to Charlie Brown, “I wonder what teachers make.” Charlie

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Using Your RADAR

June was National Safety Month. Danger can take many forms, and situational awareness is one of the key elements in maintaining

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De-Escalation Preference…

Kids’ favorite time of the year has finally arrived - it’s SUMMER! A couple of students in my life have been counting down

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The Value in Understanding the ABC Model

Tara had been working with a young man, TG, in a residential setting for quite some time. They had developed a positive

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Mandt Student Academy

The Mandt Student Academy is a Return On Investment(ROI) opportunity for organizations with Mandt System® instructors. Become a

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Joyous Holiday Season?

The holiday season is here!! Our family enjoys lots of time together celebrating the joys of the season. We are truly thankful

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Happy Thanksgiving

Like many of you, I woke on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 with a sense of somber responsibility. Each task that I completed was

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The Value of Documentation

This blog is offered by a certified instructor in an attempt to share information on the value of documentation. In The Mandt

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In This House…

I’m from a large family. Like, unusually large. My seventieth (70th) cousin is due to be born in August. I’ve not come

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Why Lunch Ladies Are Heroes

I was watching a short TED Talk this week entitled, “Why Lunch Ladies Are Heroes.” In this talk, the speaker describes the

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When I am Me

Following a medical diagnosis last summer I was treated and then placed on a variety of painkillers to manage my symptoms during

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It’s the Little Things…..

The Mandt System utilizes Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to help caregivers understand the impact unmet needs can have on how

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With the anniversary of 9/11 a few week ago, I had a conversation with my 16 year old granddaughter about how airline travel has

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Importance of Relationship Building

As a Social Worker new to the State Hospital, my goal was to get to know the individuals I serve so I can best support and help

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Listen, Engage, Protect

Last year I came across a book called Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorious. This is an autobiography, and tells the story of a boy

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Worthy of my Friends

Today as I write this blog I turn 47 years old. I think, like every year, my birthday is a time of reflection. Another year has

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The Power of the Story

Ted talks are amazing. If you’ve not heard of them, go to One of these talks is by Chimimanda Ngozi

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Controlling Christmas

We’re all guilty of throwing our weight around from time to time and attempting to control things. Holidays are probably a

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By Invitation

This past week myself and a colleague were presenting to a State Department on who the Mandt System are, how we want to connect

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Violence in Healthcare

This past week I was in Miami, at the 4th International Conference on Violence in the Health Care Sector. The conference is

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Least Amount of Interaction

Least Amount of Interaction - What Does that Mean? The RCT curriculum of The Mandt System, teaches the crisis cycle and provides

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Why Early Trauma Matters

Premature death. Alcoholism. Heart disease. Depression. These are just some of the reasons childhood trauma matters. Students

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PBIS – A Practical Example

Jill is a 16 year old female who has been in special education since she was 3 years old. Her behavior was at times challenging

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The Crisis Cycle – Concept to Practice

It’s one thing to talk about concepts like RADAR, de-escalation and the crisis cycle. It is more challenging to put the

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Reducing Classroom Stresses for Children with Bipolar Disorder

Educators can significantly reduce classroom stresses for children with bipolar disorder, thereby allowing them to succeed in

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Instruction Time

One of the questions asked most often is, “How much time should I schedule”? We appreciate the diligence manifested by

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The Helpful Art of Presence

In Chapter 1 we talk about different ways to help situations de-escalate, and one of the strategies that we mention is the

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Sacred Lakota Children

In the Lakota culture, we consider our children to be very sacred. They are a gift from the creator who hold the future of our

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Tis the Season

Thanksgiving is about family, friends and gratefulness. Those who work in the human services field often must spend their

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Another View of Non Verbal Behavior

In communication without words, the face is used a great deal. Hand signals, shrugs, head movements, etc. are all used. It is

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Importance of Physical Presence?

We as caregivers should always keep foremost in our minds what type of impact we may have on the people we serve when we become

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Connecting with Youth – Strategies for Relationship Building

When we as adults/professionals are attempting to connect with a youth and build a healthy relationship, we must be very careful,

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Tips for Intervening Alone

There are many things that may cause a person to become upset and begin using their behavior in dangerous ways. In our training,

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Using A Hierarchy of Interventions

THE IMPACT OF OUR CHOICES: When we are supporting individuals who sometimes exhibit challenging behavior, caregivers must

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Restraint – Always a Last Resort!

We must remind ourselves everyday that the ethical dilemma resulting from physical restraint is the clinician’s value or

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Teamwork: Relationships in Action

In January of this year, Aaryce Hayes wrote a blog on Building Positive Relationships in which she emphasized the elements of

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The 7 L’s of Leadership

Max De Pree says, “Leadership is a condition of indebtedness." I firmly believe that to be true. Over the years I have become

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Dignity and Respect = Actions, Attitudes, and Acceptance

An increase in random shootings in schools, theaters, and society in general has raised the question of why. Many people are

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Debriefing – An Aid To Healthy Relationships

When an incident occurs that involves the use of a restraint technique, regulations often require that staff meet with designated

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Reinforcement Schedules

By definition, reinforcement will increase the likelihood that behavior will be used again in the future. As service providers

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Prevention In The Classroom

One of the absolute best things about being a National Faculty Member for The Mandt System is the opportunity to meet so many

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Building Positive Relationships

When people are engaged in a positive relationship with someone , whether the relationship is personal, professional or public ,

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The Mandt System & PBS

In our training, we tell people that “the ultimate goal of The Mandt System® is to build healthy relationships in the

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Angry and Aggressive Parents

“It is important to understand that there is a difference between anger and aggression” (stolen straight from the Mandt

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Practicing Behavior Response Plans

We are all familiar with this frequently posed question, “How often do you practice a fire drill, and how many fires have you

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Duty of Care – In Human Service Settings

Wikipedia defines Duty of Care, in tort law, as a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a

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CONFLICT IN TEAMS – Promoting Leadership Understanding

Conflict amongst people is as old as Adam and Eve and Cain and Able. As long as human beings are together there will be conflict

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Seclusion – Who Does It Help?

The use of seclusion is a highly emotionally charged issue. It is argued that the use of seclusion is often in the best

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Tips to Avoid Conflict

This may be the shortest blog you have ever read. Tips to avoid conflict – you can’t. You may be successful for years in

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Reducing Restraint

No matter what part of the human services field in which you work, reducing the use of restraint is one of the major goals. In

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Use of “Reasonable” force…

It seems that most weeks we read stories covered in the media reporting on issues around the use or misuse of force for all

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